Security Tips for Living in an Apartment

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Security Tips For Your Apartment

The journey of life truly begins when you are ready to venture out in the world alone as an adult. Even though moving out on your own is exciting, it can also be scary because you might not be sure how safe you will feel living in an apartment. But there are many ways that you can feel safe living on your own. Everyone at Security Essentials of Lexington wants you to feel at home in your apartment and never want you to be worried about your security. We offer surveillance for your apartment so you always have knowledge of what is going on in or around your home. We have over 30 years of expertise on staff and would be honored to have you as one of our clients. We are here to teach you about apartments security tips that will stay with you for the long run.

Tip #1: Get a dog

While not all apartment complexes allow pets, if you are lucky enough to live in one that does, dogs make a great security measure. Dogs are cute, loving and very protective of their owner. Dogs have more acute hearing and smell than humans, and so are likely to detect a threat long before you can.

Tip #2: Get an alarm system

At Security Essentials of Lexington, it is our goal to keep you safe during the day and during the night when you are sound asleep. The first step to securing your home is to have us install a residential alarm system. Your residential alarm system will be monitored 24 hours a day and can detect motion as well as breaches of your doors or windows. Unfortunately, homes do catch fire. That is why we offer carbon monoxide monitoring along with fire/smoke and heat detection. It is crucial to your family that you always be prepared for the unforeseen.

Tip #3: Keep an eye on your apartment from anywhere

When you are at work or out enjoying a beautiful day with your family, wouldn't you feel more at ease knowing your apartment can still be protected without you there? Of course the answer is yes! With our HD security camera system, you can keep an eye on your property from any distance or location. This system comes in handy for those unexpected visits, whether they be from visiting family or simply the mail man.

Whether you are moving into your very first apartment as an adult or you are moving into your third with your family, we always want to keep your home safe and secure. Schedule your free consultation now! We are located in Lexington, KY and we are proud to serve the surrounding areas as well.

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