Landscape with Security in Mind

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Landscape Design & Security Lexington, Kentucky

When you think about the security of your home you may think about alarm systems, motion detectors, and dead bolts, but did you know that your lawn can be your first line of defense? In fact, landscape design is one of the biggest factors that burglars take into account when deciding whether or not they should break into your home. The ideal home for a burglar is one they can get into and out of easily and quickly without being seen. Keep this in mind and your landscape can help defend your home from intruders instead of inviting them in.

Tall trees and shrubbery Attract Burglars

If your home is surrounded by tall trees and thick shrubbery, it can be an easy target for intruders. Burglars are drawn to homes with excessive plant life because it provides them with an excellent source of cover. If your home is in a neighborhood, make sure your landscaping does not completely conceal your home. Yes, a thick row of hedges or evergreens along your property line may provide the privacy you are looking for but it's easy to see how appealing your source of privacy can be for a burglar. To keep your home from being targeted, trim all hedges and shrubs so that they are no taller than two feet high. Also, tall trees near your home can provide robbers access to your second story windows, so be sure to prune trees so that the limbs are at least seven feet off the ground.

Plant Barrier Shrubs

If you don't like the idea of trimming away your privacy, another option is to plant barrier shrubs, such as thorny bushes or roses, along your property line or under windows. These prickly plants will help deter burglars.

Tall Privacy Fence

Again, burglars want to be seen as little as possible, therefore a tall privacy fence can be just as appealing as a home with overgrown foliage. If you want privacy without compromising your security consider a picket fence or tall gate.


Yes, even gravel can be an effective burglar deterrent. Trespassers like to go undetected therefore laying gravel or small grain lava rocks around your home, and especially under windows, will make their presence known.

Night Lighting

Check the lighting around the exterior of your home regularly and consider installing automated motion sensor lights in front of your garage, shed, or any other low lit area. There are also many other varieties of exterior lighting that will not only deter burglars but will also complement your landscaping at night.

Lawn Maintenance

Keep your grass mowed, yard raked, and weeds under control. Burglar's appreciate knowing your home is empty and nothing says you are away more than an unkept lawn. To protect your home while you are away on business or vacation, have a neighbor or friend tend to your lawn and collect any newspapers or packages.

Display Home Security Yard Signs

Consider adding home security yard signs around your home. Even if you do not have a home security system, posting a few signs and window decals with home security logo's, can be an effective way to deter burglars. But keep in mind that homes without an alarm system are three times more likely to be burglarized than homes with systems. Security Essentials & Home Entertainment is proud to offer affordable solutions for protecting your family, no matter how big or how small the project, with monthly rates as low as $19.95 a month and no long-term contract! To secure your home or business call 859-2-SECURE (859-273-2873).

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