Alarm System FAQ’s

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Why do I need an Alarm System?

Most believe that the only purpose of an alarm system is if you live in a “bad neighborhood.” Unfortunately, it doesn’t matter where you live; every home/business is at risk of a burglary, fire, gas leak, etc. In order to protect your family, personal belongings, and yourself, investing in a reliable alarm system is highly recommended. While alarm systems do not give you “absolute security”, they do significantly decrease the chance of a burglary. Functioning locks, protected windows and doors, along with practiced safety measures will ensure that your home is safe for your family and your belongings.

Will my alarm system work if the power goes out?

If you have a monitored alarm system in place, the system should still work (depending on the type of alarm). Some systems have a back-up power battery that are said to have a lifespan of up to 5 years and should notify you if there’s an issue, but be sure to ask Security Essentials of Lexington about Internet connection and power sources as well as battery life.

What about my pets?

Household pets can be a nuisance to motion detectors, carpet mats, and sensor systems. To avoid any mishaps with the alarms, try and keep your pets out of the system’s protected areas. While some systems have pet friendly features, it’s better that they are out of range in case they trip the alarm. Motion detectors are the leaders in pet-caused false alarms; an easy way to make sure your animal will not trip the sensor is, upon installation, place the detector so that it is aimed off of the ground, but in an angle that will still detect the human form.

What do I do if my alarm is tripped accidentally?

When your alarm system is tripped, the system will probably move to dispatch authorities, to avoid a false-dispatch, if you encounter a false alarm, immediately contact Security Essentials of Lexington and reset your system. In some cases, the Security Essentials of Lexington will call you, if this occurs, answer the call as quickly as you can, if the call is prolonged the operator will assume the home has been broken into and will contact authorities.

How often should my system be tested?

To ensure that your alarm system is functioning to the highest level of efficiency, it is highly recommended that you follow an alarm test every 30 days. This time frame and process can be different for every type or brand of system, just be sure to regularly check the main and individual sensors to make sure everything is running smoothly. If you have recently had work done on your home, or a utility/service worker has visited, check your system afterwards to make sure nothing was disconnected, unplugged, broken, etc.

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